Thursday, June 20, 2013

And We're Back! A look at Animenext 2013 [Image Heavy]

Now that the post-convention-depression is beginning to wear off and I can finally look at sewing machine without wanting to start sobbing uncontrollably again- a very hard condition to deal with when sewing is your day job- I am back and ready to report on Animenext 2013!

Over the years of cosplaying at conventions, I've learned that it is VERY difficult to take pictures of all of the awesome people in awesome costumes you run into. Doubly so when you yourself are an awesome person in an awesome costume. But I did get a fair amount of photos of people I randomly assaulted with 'OMIGOSHTHATSSOCOOLCANIGETAPICTURE?!' while they were busy doing something else.
An Alice from American McGee's
Alice and Alice: Madness Returns.
She made that hobby-horse herself!

A Sen(Chihiro) and Noh-Face from
Spirited Away one of my favorite movies.

The Phillip in his Donky Kong suit.
And The Phillip out of costume with his childhood hero
At the Chipocrite concert I spotted a Death
from The Sandman comics.
The Phoenix Wright Gang
(The Phillip is gonna laugh at me for not
knowing the characters) 
Dr. Wily, Zero, and Splash Woman from
This guy comes to Animenext EVERY YEAR
and just sits in the outdoor area between the
hotel and convention center and just sings
to himself. I love it! 

A princess Loki. I interrupted her on her
way to lunch....

And princess Avengers I interrupted during lunch, I'm sorry,
ladies, you were just too fabulous to pass up!
Timmy Turner's Dad, in his natural habitat
of cursing Dinkleburg.

Master Roshi and Ox-King from your
varying Dragon Balls.
 We wandered out into the atrium just in time for The Phillip to shove me into a My Little Pony photo shoot.(Coincidence? I doubt it!) Warning: If you aren't familiar with MLP, this may go WAAAAAY over your head.

All the Pegasi- Gala!Dash, Soarin', Scootaloo,
and normal Dash.
Gala!Dash showing off how awesome Tank is...
...and King Sombra tortoise-napping him. 

 Next came the Raritys and lemme tell ya, does one of these thing not belong here or what?

A picture of me in the hotel lobby
The convention was great as it always is. Chipocrite was there again, Uncle Yo was there again, and some obscure J-pop band was the headliner. No idea who they were, but The Phillip and I were in the elevator with them at one point. They were pretty chill.

Unfortunately, I must now find a way to get the purple stains out of my dress and the hurricane rains that was happening on the first day caused the colors to run. Always pre-wash fabrics. Always. 

But, it survived and once I ad more OOMPH to the bustle(and shorten the train a little bit(seriously, people, an entire convention center and two hotels worth of space and you still step on the train!?)) I'll wear it to another convention. The Phillip and I were thinking Comic Con NY or something of the like. We'll see. =)

Been to any recent events? What's an event that you go to every time it rolls around?

Now that I'm back in the blogging game, I may have some stuff to say on The Dowager Dame Facebook Page. Check it out!